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FortiCNP 與雲端服務供應商安全服務和 Fortinet Security Fabric 原生整合,提供全方位的全堆疊 雲端安全 解決方案。FortiCNP 獲得專利的 Risk Resource Insights (RRI)TM 技術透過將安全調查發現置於情境中,並透過可執行的深入見解優先考慮最關鍵的問題,從而簡化安全防護,幫助團隊有效管理雲端風險。


採用雲端的速度越來越快,風險也隨之提高。FortiCNP 的 RRI 可分析多個安全服務提供的安全調查發現和警示,針對最高風險資源提供可執行的深入見解,優先考慮雲端工作負載。這有助於安全團隊專注於最重要的事情。

FortiCNP 與雲端安全供應商 AWS、Azure 和 Google Cloud 整合,提供風險管理、威脅管理、資料安全、容器安全及合規性。

FortiCNP 提供全方位防護

  • 風險管理:透過一致的工作流程實現可執行的深入見解。
  • 威脅管理:以零權限的安全防護範圍,提供即時威脅防護。
  • 資料安全:偵測並抵禦惡意軟體,防止敏感資料、資料遺失以及雲端儲存庫中的錯誤設定。
  • 容器安全:防範容器鏡像和註冊表中的漏洞。
  • 合規性:簡化合規性,包括 CIS 基準、企業和監管標準。


FortiCNP 現已在 AWS Marketplace 上提供,可將整個雲端環境實體佔用空間的安全調查發現關聯起來,促進順暢的雲端安全營運。FortiCNP 獲得專利的 Resource Risk Insights (RRI) 技術產生情境豐富且可執行的深入見解,幫助團隊優先補救和緩解對雲端工作負載安全最可能造成影響的風險,而且不會拖慢業務速度。





Resource Risk Insights (RRI)™





RRI 利用資源分析管理雲端風險,衡量經年累月的雲端風險態勢

ROI 提高

整合 CSP 服務與 Fabric,為 FortiGuard 情報提供資訊,實現最大價值



FortiCNP 使用案例

icon secure hybrid multi cloud
RRI 為團隊提供情境豐富且可執行的深入見解,優先對影響最大的風險採取行動。
Manage vulnerabilities and stop threats use case.
FortiCNP 將安全調查發現關聯起來,並優先處理補救工作的風險。
icon secure network edges
FortiCNP 分析雲端儲存服務中的設定、檔案和文件,以偵測錯誤設定、敏感資料和惡意軟體。
icon segment prevent lateral spread
FortiCNP 的容器防護可為容器註冊表和鏡像的安全態勢提供深度可視性。
icon protect users perimeter
FortiCNP 可為稽核團隊快速產生報告,以便他們能夠識別違反策略的行為,並採取必要的補救措施。


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Today, nearly all organizations have adopted the cloud to modernize their operations, enable rapid innovation, and accelerate growth. The 2022 Cloud Security Report, a global survey of 823 cybersecurity professionals sponsored by Fortinet, reported that almost 40% of enterprises are running more than half of their workloads in the cloud. Moreover, that percentage is expected to increase to nearly 60% by 2024.1 Many of these organizations have multiple disparate security solutions deployed, with few that integrate. And with each cloud environment, management complexity increases as each one presents a siloed risk posture and limited remediation capabilities.

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Nearly all organizations have adopted the cloud to modernize their operations, enable rapid innovation, and accelerate growth, and there are no signs of slowing down. Gartner estimates that by 2025, over 95% of new digital workloads will be deployed on cloud-native platforms. But as more organizations move their critical workloads into the cloud, this has also introduced new risks. Traditional security solutions lack the capabilities to adequately respond to the risks. Organizations often react by adding new security solutions to their overall infrastructure, but this ends up resulting in a fragmented security architecture, making any kind of management challenging and increasing risk.

FortiCNP Manages Cloud-Native Risk Through Actionable Insights
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But as more organizations move their critical workloads into the cloud, this has also introduced new risks. Traditional security solutions lack the capabilities to adequately respond to the risks. Organizations often react by adding new security solutions to their overall infrastructure, but this ends up resulting in a fragmented security architecture, making any kind of management challenging and increasing risk.

Scaling Enterprise Security with Cloud-Native Protection on AWS
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Organizations are moving more workloads to the public cloud to increase agility, reduce costs, and simplify management and scalability to empower digital transformation and other vital business initiatives. In moving workloads to the cloud, however, every organization is responsible for managing and minimizing security risk. Leveraging the security capabilities of a CSP is the first step. AWS, in particular, is a pioneer and leader in public cloud security. But even with AWS’ extensive capabilities, customers often choose to augment security with a third-party AWS partner to strengthen protection, simplify scalability, reduce risk, enhance compliance, and optimize ROI.

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Take AWS Security to the Next Level to Reduce Risk and Maximize Protection

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A Cloud Security Blueprint

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Rapid enterprise adoption of private and public clouds is driving the evolution of cloud security. Agile and elastic cloudsecurity solutions need to fundamentally scale protection and segmentation within and across cloud environments.

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Information technology (IT) is at the core of the modern enterprise, and as such, on-demand IT is gradually becoming a reality with the growing business demand for cost-effective, on-demand services and resources for internal and external customers.


FortiCNP 幫助資安團隊主動管理風險,確保雲端工作負載安全;並與雲端服務供應商(CSP)的安全服務和 Fortinet 雲端安全解決方案的原生整合,為用戶提供 “零摩擦” 雲安全性。 FortiCNP 具備豐富的上下文的可操作威脅洞察,幫助組織主動管理雲端風險;同時為資安團隊提供關聯高風險的豐富上下文威脅洞察,使其更加專注於組織最具影響力的風險。

FortiCNP 簡化了雲端安全,幫助資安團隊主動管理風險,包括:

  • 進階整合 CSP 雲端原生安全服務
  • 精簡的功能幫助企業雲端環境的安全做出更好的洞察
  • 整合的工具,消除分散安全架構的整合性摩擦,讓您更有效與其他團隊合作,迅速解除風險!

歡迎下載免費展示 demo,雲端安全專家將成為您的專用資源,幫助您主動掌控雲端風險,加速創新步伐!

FortiCNP 新聞